All you need to cut a circle on the band saw is a piece of plywood with a nail driven in to act as a pivot. but this jig is a little more versatile. It's adjustable and easy to detach from your band saw.
Setting an accurate depth of cut on a router bit is a fussy task. Pre…
The simplicity of a router allows it to adapt to all kinds of operati…
The simplicity of a router allows it to adapt to all kinds of operati…
A router trammel doesn't have to be a clunky, overly-complicated jig.…
The simplicity of a router allows it to adapt to all kinds of operati…
Small wood "keys" create the traditional look of a dovetail joint -- …
You're probably familiar with a pocket hole jig that uses a handheld …
Router bit bearings need to be changed or even replaced over time. Un…
Add this handy gauge to your straight edge guide.
Combine a guide bushing and a template to add detail.
Use a template for a perfect fit.
A compact router has big-time features.
Build a landing pad for your router
Make this handy rack from a surprising source
Use a router to create large, accurate holes
Here's a Portable, Easy-To-Build Rack
Build this Low-Cost Guide For Cutting Circles
Angled holders make bits easy to see and remove
Set Router Bits Right Every Time
Trim hardwood edging perfectly flush
Tips for keeping Your Router Clean and in Top Shape
Set-Up boards save time when routing half-blind dovetails.
A Spiral Down-Cutting Straight Bit cuts rabbets, dadoes and grooves w…
This unique push block makes cuts safe, easy, accurate.
This easy-to-make hood captures dust right at the source.
Keep your tool chargers close at hand with this rack.
You don't need a huge sawmill to create lumber for your projects. Log…
Router guides don't have to be complex. When routing along a long edg…
Over the years, we've featured a number of different miter saw statio…